Bettendorf High School

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Some Madness of Our Own!

How do you raise your game?  Many basketball teams in the NCAA tournament produce a better performance than they exhibited for most of the season or play even better than they thought possible.  Why is this?  I believe that it is because human beings generally rise to the occasion when presented with a challenge.  When we have higher expectations for ourselves and get challenged to do better, we DO better!


This past month we issued a challenge to our staff.  Let's get after it and increase the number of missions we are completing. The result ended up being 700 completed missions on our PD site, Mission Possible.  We handed out free keyboards, an Apple TV, Otterbox cases, gift cards, and more.  The staff really committed to diving in and learning with and from each other.  Our next challenge, now let's present to others.  We have several staff members taking what they know on the road nationally and state wide this Spring.  Our teachers have found that they learn best from each other and that it is infectious.

I have been proud to be a part of the staff here at Bettendorf High School.  I have slacked posting lately in part because of several personal issues, most of which are all positive. For those of you that do not know, next year I will be taking over as Principal at South East Junior High in Iowa City. Our family is excited to begin another new journey and thank everyone here in Bettendorf for their generosity during our time here.