Think of this in terms of your own role in education. What has your journey been this school year or for that matter for your career? Are there parts of changes you have not fully embraced? Parts that you hoped would go away? What do you see as the next big shift in our field? How will this effect your journey? Whatever the answer may be I think we can all agree that the journey will continue to be different than those before us. We can decide to embrace, foster, and welcome change or we can dig our heels in and resist. I personally believe that we cannot keep constant with the status quo and offer a product like we have for the last fifty plus years in education. We have to evolve and create a new system that challenges and inspires are students to do more and be more. Some of this will undoubtedly be uncomfortable.
A step to doing this was to give our students a modern day tool, the iPad. Take time to think about how the iPads can help to ignite this change within your classroom. How can they reshape your journey as an educator? They are just a tool, but they can also be seen as a catalyst for so much more. Like President Obama we cannot believe that all has been accomplished because we accomplished one objective and now have a modern day tool. We need modern day educational thought to go with it! I am proud of what we are seeing and hearing as products of this implementation and of your hard work in committing to not doing things the way we always have. I would like to challenge all of you to keep pushing though, keeping thinking, keep redesigning, think big. We will support you. I am not speaking of minor changes. Remember we are looking for transformation! As an educator we all have an opportunity to leave a legacy. How will people describe your journey?